
I have been studying Japanese for 6 years and am completing a minor in Japanese. Since I studied abroad in Japan, I learned the importance of being culturally aware and connecting with people from other parts of the world.

Summer 2018

Study Abroad in Okinawa, Japan

Subsidized by Okinawa Peace Scholarship, 6 weeks, lived with host family, attended school, volunteered at daycare

Okinawa city view from the street Japan reel
Okinawa city School Aquarium beach Cave Taco rice Tonkotsu Ramen

Spring 2020

Awarded Consul General's Award as First Prize at Michigan Japanese Language Speech Contest

Awarded first prize at speech contest

Spring 2019, 2020

First Place at Michigan Japanese Quiz Bowl Competition

Our team claimed first place 2 years out of the 3 years we participated

Japanese Quiz Bowl trophy